Mile in My Shoes Board of Directors and Staff
Our Board
Naomi Prabhakar - Co-Chair and Development Chair
A lifelong runner, Naomi began running as a kid with her dad to build healthier habits. She became involved with MiMS in 2021 and has served as a Run Mentor on Team Challenge. MiMS has offered Naomi the chance to join a passionate and meaningful community that is making a difference in the region, and for her to share expertise in development and corporate/foundation relations. Naomi believes that running and setting goals can change habits and transform lives. In her spare time she enjoys spending time with husband and two young daughters, traveling, and of course running the streets of the northwest metro where she resides.
Jennifer Trost - Co-Chair
Jen found running over two decades ago and has continued to enjoy going after the miles year after year. When she discovered she could blend running with her passion for serving and lifting up Minnesota's marginalized communities she joined Mile in My Shoes as a Run Mentor in 2017. Now Jen is ready to take her engagement with MiMS to the next level and bring her skills, knowledge, and expertise from the education and advocacy world to the board to support creating a strong, healthy, and vibrant Mile in My Shoes community.
Laura Rapacz – Treasurer
Laura began running in junior high, with continued involvement on the cross country and track and field teams through high school and college. Since then, she has raced in everything from a 5K to the marathon. She credits her running experience with helping build her confidence and leadership skills, and believes MiMS can help people achieve their goals for the future! Laura has served as a volunteer head coach for Girls on the Run, which brings so much joy and inspiration to her life. She is an actuary and has a love for numbers. Laura shares her passion for running with her husband and two daughters, who often go on family runs together.
Ben Kressel – Planning Committee Chair
Ben LOVES MiMS! In 2017 he joined the then-new Team Southside as a Run Mentor and quickly joined the Core Team as a Team Lead. He’s spent many years as a Member Manager, recruiting, onboarding, and acting as the primary contact and support for many Resident Members. Ben currently leads team TC South. Self-identifying as “not much of a runner,” Ben is energized by the people, transformative power, and connectivity of MiMS. To our board, Ben brings nonprofit board experience and many years as a quality engineer, optimizing processes, communication, and relationships as a way to successfully deliver solutions. To him, running is a process of overcoming and an analogy for many things in life. Ben truly believes that the best way forward is together!
Matt Swiontek – Governance Chair
Matt started with MiMS as a Run Mentor at Higher Ground Minneapolis back when it was just one wee team, in 2015. After a three-year move to Grand Rapids, MI, where he founded a November Project run group, Matt and his partner, Jess (Team Roseville Team Lead) returned to the Twin Cities and he rejoined MiMS behind the scenes. A public defender with Hennepin County, Matt is motivated by the work MiMS does to change perceptions and advocate for issues important to our Members. His greatest pride-and-joy remains coining the term “Run Mentor” during a morning post-run coffee outing in the early days.
Tony Loyd – Board Member
Tony first joined Mile in My Shoes through the Union Gospel Mission team in 2023 as a core team member. A former Fortune 500 executive, Tony uses his experience to mentor early-stage social entrepreneurs—those who use business to do social good. He cares deeply about social justice. This has led him to volunteer and serve on boards across the Twin Cities. He is an ambassador for Twin Cities in Motion and Grandma's Marathon. As a board member, Tony looks forward to applying his business skills to support the growth of Mile in My Shoes.
Paul Overvoorde – Board Member
A few years ago, Paul closed out 30 years of playing ultimate frisbee and embraced the delight of running in a straight line. This shift coincided with other elements of his life's journey and affirmed the ties between mental, spiritual, and physical well-being. The ritual of running demonstrates achievements beyond the constraints, real or imagined, of one's experiences and ways of thinking. Supporting other humans to discover such possibilities in community with others attracted Paul to MiMS. Paul has spent his career in higher education, first as a professor and more recently as an administrator. He is excited to share his knowledge, experience, and skills to further efforts to spread the joy of running.
Josh Ylitalo – Board Member
Josh began running with Mile in my Shoes in 2023 as a Run Mentor with the newly formed Veterans Team (Team Nokomis), after being introduced to the organization by a family member who is a MiMS Alumni Member. A veteran himself, he understands the importance of running and community for mental and physical health. Josh began running in the military and has continued in the decade since. Believing wholeheartedly in MiMS' mission to "run together to transform ourselves, one another, and our community," Josh welcomed the opportunity to expand his involvement by joining the board. In this role, he will leverage his professional background in finance to contribute to the long-term success of MiMS.
Margaret Guelzow - Advisory Member
When needing something to ground her in healthier living after having two kids and a stressful career, Margaret turned toward running and has been putting in the miles ever since! She believes, through firsthand experience, that having a community of people with a focus on creating a healthy life is essential to success and being happy. When Margaret heard about Mile in My Shoes, it presented an opportunity to combine her professional experience with a passion for community and running to create this same opportunity for people that may not otherwise find it.
Matt Hourigan – Advisory Member
A life-long athlete and now a coach, Matt knows firsthand the incredible power of a team. He is inspired by the opportunity that each MiMS team offers its resident and mentor runners alike. Matt brings a diverse set of experiences to his work with MiMS, having served in various nonprofit finance and education roles throughout the Twin Cities over the past 10 years. Financial planner by day, high school lacrosse coach by night, and a dad to two young boys always, Matt has no problem staying (happily) busy!
Andy Morgan - Advisory Member
Andy has been running with Mile in My Shoes since 2015. Along the way, he’s been a Run Mentor on four different teams and a founding Core Team Leader at two. UESCA-certified as a running coach, Andy has completed marathons, ultras, obstacle races, and more. A lifelong Twin Cities resident, he’s been working in the tech industry for 30-plus years. When not running with MiMS, Andy is probably midway through an ever-growing list of projects on the 125-year-old house he shares with his wife and three cats. True to the MiMS spirit, Andy believes that “running and training for events is a metaphor for continuous improvement in all that we do.”
Benj Vardigan – Advisory Member
Benj brings a range of writing and running experience to MiMS. As communications director at the Oakland Public Education Fund, he wrote stories and grants that celebrated and supported Oakland public schools. While there, he coached Urban Promise Academy's middle-school track team and volunteered with Running for a Better Oakland. Thanks to the kids he ran with on the school's tiny track and around Lake Merritt, Benj discovered the power of running to bring communities together, and he feels lucky to have found this again through Mile in My Shoes.
Michael Jurasits – Co-founder
Mike became involved with an organization called Back on My Feet when he decided he wanted his running to be about more than his own personal achievements, and served there in various capacities. After arriving in Minnesota, Mike, with his partner Mishka, decided they wanted to continue to run with people from all walks of life! Mike brings running knowledge and ability to the team, and is known for his wicked dance moves and tremendous support of his runners and volunteers.
Mishka Vertin (she/her), Co-founder
When Mishka first proposed starting a little running group to the staff of Higher Ground Minneapolis in 2014, she had no idea that so many runners of ALL types would want to be a part of it - or that it would grow to include thousands of runners across the Twin Cities in just a few years. While she stepped down from her role as Executive Director in 2024, after ten years with MiMS, she aspires to be MiMS all-time #1 fan, and plans to be involved with our teams for years to come. Mishka believes that we are all better humans after a few miles and a dozen or so sweaty hugs.
Jana Huffman - Co-founder
Member Advisory Council
The Mile in My Shoes Member Advisory Council is a group of Run Mentors and Alumni Members who advise Mile in My Shoes board and staff. Members of this group are regularly involved in discussion and decision-making, called upon to shape organizational policies, review new initiatives and in specific circumstances that warrant Member perspective. Every MiMS team has Mentor and Member representation on the MAC, and participants are compensated for their time.
Our Staff
Carrie Miller (she/her), Executive Director
Carrie Miller is a nonprofit leader and avid runner with over 14 years of experience in program management, community development, education, and nonprofit administration. Prior to joining MiMS, she was a Country Director with American Councils for International Education in Turkmenistan, where she oversaw 30 program staff over four office locations.
Originally from Bemidji, MN, where she grew up swimming and playing hockey, Carrie began running in college as a way to unwind and stay in shape. After many years of running solo, Carrie joined the Mill City Running Race Team and discovered the vibrant running community in the Twin Cities. She has also volunteered at mobility clinics organized by Wiggle Your Toes as a volunteer sighted guide and guided a runner with visual impairment at the Goldy’s Run 10 Mile as part of the Wiggle Your Toes team.
Bekah Grimm, Program Director
Bekah’s career is driven by a deep commitment to social justice and community advocacy. With over 12 years of experience in trauma-focused social work, she has dedicated her efforts to supporting individuals facing abuse, addiction, and homelessness. Most recently, she served as the Divisional Housing Director at The Salvation Army, where she led a dedicated team across Minnesota and North Dakota. She was drawn to MiMS by the opportunity to combine her enthusiasm for social work with her love for running.
Bekah’s passion for running began as a way to stay fit for soccer, but over the years, she has discovered the joy of running for both community and health. She particularly enjoys participating in fun-run 5Ks and the TC 10 Mile every October. When she’s not running with MiMS, you can likely find her cheering for her favorite sports teams, binge-watching shows on Bravo, or spending quality time with her family.
Matt D’Olimpio (he/him), Member Services Coordinator
Matt began running with MiMS as a Resident Member at Team Roseville in 2019. After completing his first mile - after a lifetime of avoiding running - he was hooked, both on running and on MiMS. After moving out of the reentry center, Matt continued his journey with MiMS, running on several teams during the pandemic and speaking at the Voices of Reentry panel in 2021. Matt joined MiMS as Program Coordinator in 2022 and effective in 2024 has transitioned into the Member Service Coordinator position. In this role, he'll continue supporting day-to-day program operations, but specifically focus on Resident Members and Alumni, working to make sure that everyone has all they need to run, connect, and thrive from their first mile through Alumni! When he’s not catching his breath after a long-winded story, he enjoys seltzer, trivia, and revolution. His love language is memes. Want to know more? Check out his full profile here.
Rebecca Lange (she/her), FundRacing + Run Mentor Coordinator
Rebecca first joined Mile in My Shoes as a FundRacer for the 2022 City of Lakes Half Marathon. She was deeply inspired by the stories of MiMS Resident Members and Alumni and thrilled to combine her passions for social justice and physical wellness. Growing up with a single mother in a community highly impacted by poverty, Rebecca learned first-hand about the effects of cumulative disadvantage on mental health and economic stability. Later serving as a special education teacher, Rebecca witnessed a profound need to address systematic educational inequity and juvenile justice reform. She went on to pursue a master’s degree in public policy with a focus on policy development to strengthen working families and target educational inequity. Rebecca moved to Minnesota in 2018 and enjoys learning more about her community and spending time exploring nature with her husband and two young daughters.
Whitney Hodge (she/her), Downtown Run Around 5K Race Director
Whitney fell in love with MiMS at her first run with the team at Higher Ground Minneapolis in 2015, and has since held core team roles at Higher Ground and VOA Southside as well as run several half marathons and marathons with MiMS Members. Whitney strongly believes in the power of running and movement to break down barriers - personal, interpersonal, societal - and running with MiMS has proven that time and time again. There’s nothing like an early morning MiMS sunrise run (complete with a hug and a Woo!) to change your perspective! Whitney led the virtual MiMS season during the COVID pandemic in 2020, grew our Alumni Program in 2021 and 2022, and in 2023 stepped into the role of Downtown Run Around race logistics coordinator. She hopes to see you there!