From Resident Member to Staff Member: Meet Matt D’Olimpio
You’re the new Program Coordinator, congrats!
I’m extremely excited to be a part of MiMS in this new role and look forward to growing with the organization that has helped me grow so much in such a short time.
How did you come to be a part of Mile in My Shoes?
I started running with MiMS just a few days after leaving federal prison at the suggestion of my roommate at VOA Roseville and by the end of my first mile, I was completely drawn by this diverse group of people showing up at dawn to run with us. By the end of the season, I knew MiMS would be a part of my life indefinitely, even if I never dreamed of being a part of the team at such a level.
What was your first mile like?
My first mile was unremarkable beyond the fact that I talked about how I hadn't run that long in years, probably since high school, but I had been walking and playing hockey. It was challenging, so much so that I can't remember the discussion beyond that once we started running, or even who I was with (I'm pretty sure it was Mike J). But I finished. I ran the whole time. And it felt amazing! Then cheering everyone as they all came back in. Everyone was so cool and happy and encouraging. I honestly thought it was fake for a minute, but there was nothing but sincerity in everyone. My next run, I ran 2.3 miles. My goal was 1.5. I had to walk for a bit after 1.5, but finished on a run and couldn't believe it. By my fifth run, I was thinking about maybe running in a race. I wouldn't be ready for the Downtown RunAround that year, as I started too close to even register, but I ran my heart out all season, and by Thanksgiving, I ran my first race, a 5k around Lake Harriet. It made me so fucking happy when I finished that race in the top third of my age group. I remember feeling so great all day long, and it was my first run after having officially leaving custody. I am still a bit embarrassed to admit that it made me feel really proud of myself, and it still does. I never thought I could finish a 5k, and here I was running them regularly (thanks in large part to Emily D really helping convince me that I could do more than I realized).
You mention MiMS helped you grow. Say more.
Matt earning his ten-run shirt at Team Roseville
MiMS helped me grow in a few expected ways, and a few unexpected (for me, initially). First off, I never expected to LIKE running, and I still don't always like it. But I love the community of Mims. I had serious issues with my self-esteem when I left prison. I was sure that everyone I met would immediately judge me, if not to my face, at least behind my back. I was ashamed and discouraged, even if I was outwardly normal. Mims was the first community of people who didn't know me before, didn't know anything about me except my recent past, and consistently came out to help me be a better version of myself. And I did. I got even healthier, I became more dedicated to my physical and mental well being and I felt hope that not everyone hates us, not everyone feels we're worthless. I felt like I could still contribute, that people still believed in me, like there were all different people who can find these seemingly unrelated activities and build a truly dynamic community. It gave me hope, community, and empathy, all of which I needed more than I realized. That growth only continued as I participated as an alumni, and it allowed me the opportunity to offer some of that same community to people who are still struggling, Mentors and Resident Members alike!
How has running affected your life?
Running as a whole has made me a substantially more confident person beyond everything else and gives me a healthy activity that I can always find the time for. It took my fitness (which I had been working on since 2017) beyond my goals and offered me a community that I never expected, both in MiMS, and in surprising places in my life (like my new coworkers who began asking me about my runs and even joined me). Running is wonderful and thanks to the experience I gained in MiMS, I started new fitness routines, helped motivate and teach my kids more about fitness, and slept sooooooo much better than I ever had before. I also feel like I have at least started to heal some of the damage I did to my body over the years of really treating it like crap.
What part of this role are you most looking forward to?
Being a part of MiMS at this level - as staff - literally brought me to tears with pride and awe. I'm most eager to see how MiMS grows in the coming years, how we develop and transcend out of our youth and into maturity as an organization, and to be a part of that growth at a fundamental level. I love solving problems and providing support and using my weird skill set to improve the world and especially help the people, and I feel like my role here gives me an opportunity to do that with an organization that I already love and am passionate about and believe in.
Lastly, I think being an Alumni allows me to understand the nature of the organization and a good idea about how everything runs (haha) since I have been a part of it for several years, but more than that I think it allows me to connect with all the groups that we work with in a unique way, as I now get to experience so many different roles on a team. MiMS inspired me to be a better version of myself and this is the result: an opportunity to grow with my passion. It also allows me to understand the struggles and experiences of many of our Resident Members in a different, more personal way.
Anything else you’d like to say?
I didn’t take this role on lightly, and I will give MiMS - and therefore all of you, and all of those to come - everything I can to make us, and this organization thrive. Thank you, again, for making MiMS such a remarkable experience and organization and for this chance to help make it even better.
You can reach Matt at