Run the 2025 Grandma’s Marathon, Garry Bjorklund Half or William Irvin 5k with MiMs
Ready to add meaning to your miles as you train for Grandma’s Marathon, the Garry Bjorklund Half or William Irvin 5k? Look no further than the 2025 Grandma’s FundRacing Team! Registration for the race opens October 1st, but you can secure a spot on our 2025 FundRacing team now.
When you register as a FundRacer for Mile in My Shoes, you get a chance to kick off Grandma’s weekend with the William Irvin 5k on June 20, 2025, or enjoy the beautiful course of Grandma's Marathon or Garry Bjorklund Half Marathon on June 21, 2025. We’ve also got the best swag in town to keep you looking sharp as you train and our team is here to provide dedicated support to make sure you hit your FundRacing goals and have a lot of FUN while doing it.
What is a FundRacer? FundRacers tap into their circles to raise critical funds for MiMS while training for a race. Because MiMS is a 501(c)3 organization that relies solely on donations, every FundRacer plays a crucial role in allowing MiMS to bring running to more people experiencing homelessness.
By raising $250 (William Irvin 5k), $500 (Garry Bjorklund Half), $750 (Grandma’s Full), or more, you not only get FREE, guaranteed entry into the sold out race of your choosing, you score tons of goodies - including a 20% discount at City Running and our exclusive MiMS gear - along the way.
Swag List:
All Grandma’s Weekend FundRacers will receive:
FREE, GUARANTEED ENTRY into the sold-out Garry Bjorklund Half
MiMS logo 2x3 inch sticker for your car, water bottle or laptop
FundRacers who reach the following fundraising milestones will receive:
$500 - Official Team Mile in My Shoes technical racing shirt or tank
$750 - Exclusive MiMS supersoft hoodie or zip-up
$1250 - Super popular Run More Judge Less shirt
$1500 - MiMS beanie
<NEW in 2025!> William Irvin 5k FundRacers who commit to raising $250 will receive a MiMS buff, exclusive for this race.
Why stop there? Raise $2000 for Mile in My Shoes and you’ll receive your very own PERSONAL cheerleader.
When you sign up to become a FundRacer, you’re signing up to join an exclusive part of the MiMS community. You’ll have access to a closed Facebook group for ideas and support from other FundRacers, our FundRacing toolkit, and our FundRacing team is here to provide you with direct support and the tools you need to be successful and cheer you on every dollar of your goal.
Have more questions before signing up? Reach out to!
Some of the 2024 Mile in My Shoes Grandma’s FundRacing Team.