Become a Run Mentor

Run Mentors are runners of all abilities, speeds, and motivations with one thing in common - the desire to spread the transformative power of running. Run Mentors have the opportunity to motivate and support new runners by committing to showing up to their team one day of the week for the duration of one four-month cycle.

If you’re interested in becoming a Run Mentor, please view the full position description here and read more about our current team sites below.

Mile in My Shoes is committed to actively seeking mentors from key communities underrepresented in traditional running spaces. These include, but are not limited to BIPOC, body types that are not included in conventional images of “runners”, LGBTQIA+, and people with personal and/or professional experiences in the facilities with which we run. For that reason, we prioritize Run Mentors who reflect these diverse backgrounds.

The 2025 Run Mentor Application is NOW OPEN! Our 2025 priority application deadline was Feb 10. Though we accept Run Mentor applications on a rolling basis, most roles will be filled prior to the start of each cycle (March and July). Other opportunities will be filled as they become available.

Applications for the following teams/times will receive priority given current needs:

  • Team Union Gospel Mission - Tuesday/Thursday 6am

  • Team TC South - Saturday 7am

Become a Resident Member

Resident Members are folks who join Mile in My Shoes to be supported in their running journeys. Typically our Resident Members are people who have experienced housing instability, incarceration, are in recovery, or are veterans. Resident Members receive benefits including new running gear when they join Mile in My Shoes and free race entries as they train with teams. Resident Members are most often (though not always) new to running or are returning to running after a hiatus, and will be paired with a Run Mentor at each team run. If you are curious about becoming a Resident Member, please email our Program Coordinator Matt:


If you are unable to run with us, but are interested in getting involved in other ways please email If you are interested in running with MiMS but aren’t able to be a Run Mentor, please join one of community pop up runs open to all. These runs take place around the Twin Cities - join our Community Facebook page for event info.

Mile in My Shoes 2025 teams: 

Team Roseville - Volunteers of America Residential Reentry Center

Team VOA Roseville is a Residential Re-entry Center (RRC) that provides re-entry services for men and women who are allowed to complete part of their prison sentences in the community. This allows them to restore community ties, obtain employment, and pay a portion of their care and supervision to the state or federal jurisdiction which has authority over them for the period of their stay in the RRC. The staff at VOA believe that Mile in My Shoes offers two vital components to a resident’s re-entry plan - the opportunity to get hooked on a healthy habit (physically & emotionally), and a support network of community members. Team VOA Roseville is located in Roseville near the border of St. Paul and will run Tuesday evenings, Thursday mornings, and Saturday mornings.

Team Sally - Salvation Army Adult Rehabilitation Center 

Team Salvation Army Adult Rehabilitation Center (ARC) is a long-term, residential program, providing services for men in the areas of alcohol and drug addiction recovery, as well as rehabilitation services to break cycles of incarceration. Team Salvation Army ARC is located in the North Loop and will run on Tuesday & Thursday evenings and Saturday mornings.

Team Challenge - MN Adult & Teen Challenge 

Team Challenge is an all-female team located at MnTC’s recovery and treatment program. MNTC provides services including outpatient treatment, short-term treatment, long-term recovery, aftercare, and alumni services. This team runs with women in the long-term recovery program, located in Northeast Minneapolis, and runs Tuesday and Thursday evenings. 

Please note, that due to MnTC’s licensing, Run Mentors on this team will also need to complete MnTC’s volunteer process, which includes a background check. We’re happy to answer any questions you have about this process before you commit to this team.

Team TC South - MN Adult & Teen Challenge

A new team in 2024, Team TC South is similar to Team Challenge, except this location serves men in the MnTC long-term recovery program. This team runs with men in the long-term recovery program, located in the Lyndale neighborhood of South Minneapolis, and runs Tuesday evenings and Saturday mornings. 

Please note, that due to MnTC’s licensing, Run Mentors on this team will also need to complete MnTC’s volunteer process, which includes a background check. We’re happy to answer any questions you have about this process before you commit to this team.

Team UGM - Union Gospel Mission

Team UGM is located at Union Gospel Mission Men’s Campus. UGM houses several hundred men each night between its emergency shelter, transitional housing, residential recovery, and long-term Discipleship program. UGM staff are looking forward to MiMS bringing a crucial physical fitness component to their programming, but are even more excited about what these new community connections will mean for their clients as they navigate the transition from homelessness and addiction. This team is located right outside Downtown St. Paul and runs Tuesday and Thursday mornings. 

Team Nokomis - Veteran’s Team

Team Nokomis is a non-residential team for Veterans. This team was created in partnership with ETS, a local non-profit dedicated to fostering hope and supporting post-traumatic growth for Veterans, and the Department of Veteran’s Affairs. Veterans are disproportionately impacted by issues such as depression/PTSD, substance misuse, and homelessness, and MiMS is looking forward to providing community, social support, and physical activity for Veterans referred by our partners. This team is located in Minneapolis in the Nokomis neighborhood and will run Tuesday & Thursday evenings.

Distance Crew- Minneapolis

The Distance Crew is a team composed of MiMS Alumni and Run Mentors training specifically for the Twin Cities Marathon (Oct) and/or City of Lakes Half Marathon (Sept).  The Distance Crew will have one in-person weekend run per week from June through early October at a location in Minneapolis to be determined by the team, and individuals will train on their own throughout the week following a predetermined training plan.  Experience with distance running is preferred for Run Mentors on this team.